miércoles, 29 de mayo de 2013

Gamification: Ejemplo nº 3

Y este es el tercer ejemplo del curso de Gamificación.

Como se puede ver, para simplificar la redacción de la respuesta, he optado por describir las acciones implicadas en la empresa como de compra y venta (sell and buy), a pesar de que, tal y como queda detallado en el enunciado y en los interesantes enlaces de dos párrafos más abajo, se trata de Consumo compartido, con lo que realmente se podría hablar más propiamente de alquiler. De cualquier modo, sigo pensando que conceptualmente se ha simplificado la redacción del ejercicio, y así se permite un enfoque más directo en todos los matices que la Gamificación aporta a la materia. Esa era la idea y espero que funcione , aunque recomiendo la visita a los enlaces sugeridos, por el evidente interés de lo que proponen y que poco a poco en nuestro país empieza a implantarse como algo más que una mera curiosidad. 

La nota final obtenida para este ejercicio fue la misma que para el segundo ejercicio: un 10 :-)

(se aceptan/esperan comentarios).


Project Part III: Design Document

Now that you know the essential concepts about gamification and game design, it's time to use them. For this final task, we ask you to bring together creativity, technical feasibility, and business realities.

You are approached by Rashmi Horenstein, the CEO of ShareAll, a prominent company in the hot collaborative consumption space. (If you aren’t familiar with the concept, some good resources are CollaborativeConsumption.com (http://www.collaborativeconsumption.com/) and the March 9, 2013 cover story in the Economist (http://www.economist.com/news/leaders/21573104-internet-everything-hire-risesharing-economy).) She knows you are one of the top experts on gamification, which she has heard can revolutionize business. She asks you to present a proposal for a gamified system to take her business to the next level.

ShareAll’s mission is to make shared use of products and services as common as individual purchases. It follows the path of companies such as AirBnB (http://www.airbnb.com), Buzzcar (http://www.buzzcar.com), and Uber (http://www.uber.com), which allow sharing of particular products (cars, housing, etc). ShareAll’s patented technology makes it easy for consumers and business to share any product or service. ShareAll has also developed a global virtual currency, called Shares, which can be used to purchase access to any asset in the system. Shares can be exchanged for real money, and users can generate more Shares by sharing items or volunteering their time to complete tasks for others. ShareAll charges a small transaction fee whenever  Shares are generated, traded, or spent. Therefore, the more activity, the more money ShareAll makes.  Horenstein tells you that she cares about the social benefits of sustainability. However, ShareAll is a for-profit company, with investments and partnerships from some of the world’s largest corporations, so profits matter. Horenstein believes gamification could significantly help ShareAll’s business. She is eager to read your ideas.

Words: 0 / 1500

Provide a detailed description of your proposal, organized according to the design framework described in the lectures in Unit 7:

1. Define business objectives
2. Delineate target behaviors
3. Describe your players
4. Devise activity loops
5. Don’t forget the fun!
6. Deploy the appropriate tools

A summary of each concept is provided on the Gamification Design Framework (https://class.coursera.org/gamification-002/wiki/view?page=GamificationDesignFramework) page. Format: Maximum of 1500 words. A normal answer will have descriptive text, and/or a set of bullet points, for each of the six sections of the design framework. This is your final project. It is the most complex and worth the most points toward your overall score, so you have two weeks to complete it.



1.a) To raise the profit of the company, by increasing the activity into the system of ShareAll.

1.b) To promote a global consciousness in sustainability, which involves that people should Reduce, Reuse and Recycle (the three Rs) in order to care for the environment. This company will help improving the ratio of reusability of goods, by means of his own activity, consisting on helping people to fit his goods into a “second, third or even fourth life”.


2.a) We want to launch people into the experience of trying ShareAll and experiencing all of its features and possibilities.

2.b) They should lost the fear of buying something used from a particular. And lost the fear of selling something online, too. They have to discover the way ShareAll makes it that easy.

2.c) Create into players the instinct of searching at ShareAll for every good or service that they happen to need or desire.

2.d) Environmentally concerned choices.

  • 2.a , 2.b and 2.c will contribute directly to achieve the 1.a objective (raise ShareAll´s profit) because they are just oriented to get people making use of all the services of the company, and not just the more basic ones. This will lead directly to a raising into the activity of the company. So, generally speaking, the scope is the double goal presented by professor Werbach: Get players playing, and keep them playing.
  • 2.c and 2.d will help players find opportunities to make specific actions towards sustainability.
  • Metrics and analytics for 2.a and 2.b: Recordings about which features were used by average player. Has player just bought something, or has "dared" to sell goods too? (ratios between buyers - sellers - buy and sell). Number of new users (who try out and buy something).
  • Metrics for 2.c and 2.d: Degree of completion of the segments in which all the goods and services offered are classified (Planetary Progress Indicator. Will be explained at 4. Activity Loops)


ShareAll is open to anyone. That´s the spirit of the idea. Just need to be 18 years old, provide a few data for registration, and of course an internet connection, via pc, tablet or smartphone.

But in practice, they´re most likely to be 20-40 years old and have good skills on the internet. By means of their age, they are supposed to be at least conscious (and a bit instructed too) of the environmental issues. That will help on being sensitives to sustainability and Environmentally concerned choices.

In addition, according to Bartle´s classification of players, we will take profit of the Achiever, the Explorer and the Social side of every player.

  • Achiever: Will love buying at low prices, and selling things that were condemned to trash, otherwise.

  • Explorer: Will enjoy browsing through categories of opportunities at ShareAll.

  • Social: Will help expanding ShareAll community by inviting friends to join, so he can now trade with them and negotiate good prices. So a high percentage of ShareAll users will be friends of former users that invited him to join.


Engagement Loops:

First of all: At ShareAll you won´t find points, badges or leaderboards. Intrinsic motivation will drive players to engagement and progression. Let´s escape from over-justification effect!

So, what kind of feedback will players find?

Feedback #1: Very low prices are the best reward. Due to the lack of intermediaries, things will be really cheap here. That´s instant tangible feedback.

Feedback #2: "Planetary Progress Indicator": There will be a kind of progress indicator, somehow like the Linkedin progress bar, but different in many ways: It´s not a straigth bar, but a circular one. Divided into segments, each one corresponding to one of the different kinds of goods and services . Visually, the overall effect will be designed to remind you to the planet earth´s image from the space.

Feedback #3: "Special Personal Offers": The system will propose you, each time you log in (but not just as you do it), a short series of deals that ShareAll heuristics considers suitable for you, and infers that maybe could be of your interest.

Progression Loops:

For the very beginners, scaffolding will be implemented in order to let them accomplish their first deals safely and quickly, without too many steps or awkward options to consider. So letting you feel confortable and confident, you will be accustomed to trade at ShareAll, soon.
As you get experienced as a user of ShareAll, the system will propose you to give some more details about yourself, and that data, combined to your personal data records (browsing, searches, purchases, sales, ...) will help to improve the results of the heuristics that will propose you special deals. Those proposals will try to help you explore new and unvisited segments of your own "Planetary Progress Indicator".


Feedback #1 => Saving money is fun. No doubt about this.
Feedback #2 => Gives the sense of relatedness.
Feedback #3 => Surprise! (Dopamine is fun).

According to Self Determination Theory, this will help to achieve fun as intrinsic motivation to players, due to the presence of the three characteristics studied: Competence, Autonomy, and Relatedness.

  • Competence in the sense of being able to find the best (lowest) possible price for something you need.
  • Autonomy, because you can trade directly with someone who owns the guitar you want to buy (as an example). You need supermarkets, salesmen or agents no more. And you make all the choices personally.
  • Relatedness, due to the overall sustainability-supporting taste of this initiative (made explicit by the "Planetary Progress Indicator" as a reminder).


In addition to the tools and details provided before, It´s important to note the following:
  • "Planetary Progress Indicator": Will have two sides: the inner side, to record times that you sold things corresponding to that category. And the outer side, to record the deals in which you bought things. So it´s overall appearance will be of two concentric rings, divided into sectors, each sector labeled with the category assigned ("motorbikes", "fresh vegetables", "computer and electronics", and so on, and so forth).
  • Links to report to your friends via your favorite social media, will be implemented, in order to help you show your buyer/seller achievements, and to help ShareAll expanding to people already connected to you.

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